
Code Generation 2008: Day 1

This week I am attending the Code Generation 2008 event in Cambridge, UK.

The first day passed really fast with lots of great topics and presenters. Below are a few interesting quotes and thoughts from the day.

Keynote: Matching Supply and Demand: Challenges in Model-Based Code Generation for Quality of Service-Constrained Software by Bran Selic (Malina Software Corp)

Bran‘s presentation had many thought provoking statements and questions in the domain of System Engineering with Quality of Services (Non-functional) requirements. Amongst many statements, the following was maybe the strongest hit:

Platform independent != Platform ignorant

Direct Code Generation with Built-in Flexibility by Anneke Kleppe (CapGemini NL)

An interesting talk about hard-coded (programmatic) transformations. She was talking mostly about the Octopus project. She emphasized a lot the importance of decomposition on many levels including not only the target application but also the code generator.

DSL model is not a DSL! Just like a .java file is not the Java language

is a reminder of how misused terminology and jargon has polluted not only this domain [DSL] but the whole IT industry.

Panel: MDD and Software Product Lines – a marriage made in heaven? Mark Dalgarno (Software Acumen), Juha-Pekka Tolvanen (MetaCase), Ian Barnard (Telelogic), Markus Voelter (independent)

On the volatility of investment in DSL and code generators (somebody from the audience):

The value of information captured in models (instances) is orders of magnitude larger than the investment in the meta-model, transformation, tools.

Goldfish Bowl: Approaches to DSL Evolution chaired by Peter Bell

First of all the concept of a goldfish bowl discussion is brilliant! I do not know how these work generally but this instance of it went very-very well.

The discussions were mainly skirting around the situations where the DSL changes. The typical questions came up were:

  • What happens to the existing model instances?
  • What happens to the existing code generators?
  • Is there a way to make the transition (evolution) automated?

Tutorial: Concrete Syntaxes of DSLs by Arno Haase (Haase Consulting) and Sven Effinge (itemis)

It was a fairly basic overview of various DSL and DSM approaches with a demo of openArchitectureWare‘s tools. The demo was a nice example of using textual modelers (xText) together with graphical editors (GMF).

Birds of a Feather: The Art of Abstraction

The main theme for this BoF was to list and discuss the considerations that make a DSL a good DSL.


Innovation != Evolution ???

What is a ground-breaking new idea? a killer app? a real innovative idea?
Every new idea, anything innovative has roots in something existing, something already invented. Is everything just an evolution of other things, there is nothing innovative? How far one should really go back to the roots?

Is it enough to come up with a great, innovative idea? What happens to the solution-for-every-problem-world-peace-and-cure-for-everything ideas? I have got a great idea, what’s next?

Where is creativity coming from? are there geniuses amongst us? is there a special food/drink or a special ritual to unleash creativity?

Many of these and similar questions are answered in  Scott Berkun‘s book: The Myths of Innovation

  • Read it once because it is simply a great read – not sure about the humour though
  • Read it every time you have a worthy innovative idea – amazing how much you will find the book related to your idea
  • Read it if you are frustrated about how large corporates treat innovation(especially if you are working for one) – you will find your answer in the book, not necessarily the one you wanted to hear though
  • Read it if you like anecdotes, stories and lessons learned – do not forget to follow up with the many references to other books, articles, Web sites and pages